Paradiso Perduto is a non-religious organisation with a reverential view on life in all its forms and dimensions.

It follows its own distinct logic and value system, which has been - and will continue to be - consistently applied all across its operations, its policies and programs.


Leitmotif within Paradiso Perduto is its profound wholeness.

It follows the logic of inclusion and thinks in dimensions rather than in opposites.

In this kaleidoscopic perspective, emphasis is simply placed on one aspect or another – or focus shifts from one dimension to another -  without ever losing sight of the whole.

It has a non-linear approach to problem solving in which no sharp differentiation is made between goals and means.

For example, at Paradiso Perduto, retreatants do not just attend the programme, they form an elemental part of it. They themselves build the community and create the sense of belonging that is so essential to their recovery. We provide the tools and techniques, so that retreatants themselves can tap into their own ability to heal.

The structure of the organisation has the same fundamental indivisibility.

Our non-profit business model is inter-relational rather than transactional. In our approach, there are no buyers or sellers, no patients or doctors, there is no rendering of a service against a price.

Paradiso Perduto is a collaborative venture that, much like an ecosystem, consists of various positive feedback loops between all those that partake in it. Everyone – in whatever role or position - contributes to the program and reaps its fruits.


Our organisational values originate from a deep respect for all that is and follow our solemn commitment to serve that sacred whole.


We hold the view that each species - and each individual within their species - has intrinsic value as well as specific abilities, perfectly fitting their life’s purpose.

In other words, we each have a responsibility to contribute our special part to the great web of life, as all life is interdependent on other life.

To truly fulfil our purpose as human beings – and thus give our lives meaning – we must learn to take care of ourselves, our thoughts and feelings, and take full responsibility for our actions, regardless of circumstance. This is what it means to adhere to the principles of integrity and inclusiveness.